
The "School of No Bias" sets off!

calendar icon 05 May 2021 — 20 May 2021
calendar icon 10:00 — 18:00
calendar icon Online
Event category: Educators' Training, Seminars

It is with great pleasure that the WHEN announces that the program “The school of no bias – everyone strong, everyone equal” starts its journey!

It is a training and networking program for teachers of primary and secondary education, and school career counselors who want to learn new ways to bring gender equality closer to their classrooms and the educational process.

The program aims to address three main challenges concerning girls and young women in Greece, which are documented by academic research and by the experience of WHEN.

If you are involved in education and want to gain more knowledge and experience in building a more equal and inclusive school, you can:

  1. Participate in the educational activities of the project https://schoolofnobias.gr/oi-draseis/
  2. Join the educators platform to join a great networking and training community.
  3. Browse the website to discover more about the project’s goals and actions.

For a School of No Bias!

Active citizens fund GreeceEEA and Norway GrantsEEA Grants Greece
Bodossaki Foundation – Ίδρυμα ΜποδοσάκηSolidarityNowThe Norwegian Embassy in Athens, Greece
The project “School of No Bias – Everyone strong, everyone equal” is implemented in the framework of the Active citizens fund program, with WHEN as the implementing body and Sociality and Openous as partners.
The Active citizens fund program, amounting to €13.5 million, is financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and is part of the financial mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) for the period 2014 – 2021, known as EEA Grants. The program aims to strengthen and strengthen the sustainability of civil society and to highlight its role in promoting democratic processes, strengthening citizens’ participation in society and defending human rights. The management of the grant of the Active citizens fund program for Greece has been jointly undertaken by the Bodosaki Foundation and SolidarityNow. Read more here: www.activecitizensfund.grwww.activecitizensfund.gr