
Gender Mainstreaming Methodology

Categories: Tools

From 2021 to 2023, WHEN participated in FoWoSe (Fostering Women’s Social Entrepreneurship), a project that aims to strengthen women’s social entrepreneurship by developing and testing tools that will train and guide organizations that foster entrepreneurship, so that they develop more equal practices, first as employers, and then towards the entrepreneurs they support.

Change is a collective effort and this guide is a comprehensive, practical handbook with tools that will facilitate the integration of the gender mainstreaming in organizations, for those who wish to better support their beneficiaries, to serve customers of all genders, to design more effective products and services, and collaborate effectively with all stakeholders related to their organization.

The ultimate goal of the project is to cultivate a more inclusive mindset in incubators, NGOs, business competitions and funding organizations, so that they in turn promote the equal participation of women in entrepreneurship through the integration of gender mainstreaming at programmatic, operational, as well as structural level.

FοWoSE is funded by the Erasmus+ program of the EU, and it is implemented by the organization PULSE, with the collaboration of Women on Top (Greece), Empow’Her (France), Reach for Change (Bulgaria) and Synthesis (Cyprus).