Guide for the Inclusive Teaching of STEM

Categories: Tools

In November 2022, WHEN, with the support of the US Embassy in Athens, launched the second cycle of the “School of No Bias” program with an online skills development workshop for teachers, with the aim of making STEM-related fields more attractive and accessible to girls from different socio-economic backgrounds.

Acclaimed speakers from Greece and the USA participated in the workshop. They shared evidence and methods from academic research and tools from their own educational practice, inside and outside the school. Our goal was that, by at the end of the workshop, the teachers who attended would have gained meaningful insight into practices that are proven to work for inclusive science and technology teaching in the classroom.

So, what are these practices?
The conclusions of the workshop, combined with additional material and tools from Greece and abroad, were gathered in this guide, with the hope that it will be a supportive tool for the efforts of teachers all around Greece to make life at school and the learning and professional orientation of their male and female students more equal, inclusive and, of course, effective for all.