
WHEN in Business #2 | Equality in practice

calendar icon 23 February 2019
calendar icon 10:00 - 17:00
Event category: Conference

On February 23rd for the second year in a row, Women on Top takes the discussion about substantial gender equality in business a step further.

On February’s last Saturday, from 10.00 until 17.00, Women on Top will carry out an educative conference titled, “Women on Top in Business 2019: From theory to practice”. Its main theme is the planning of innovative but doable plans about women’s equal participation, representation and treatment in the company environment in Greece –and invite business executives, journalists, but also employed men and women to actively participate.

The problem

Equality in the job market and the role of the organizational culture and the company principles has risen, in the past years, into a great issue internationally. However, this discussion has not brought remarkable changes on participation, representation and discrimination percentages that women deal with in the company environment.

Even though many businesses recognize now what dangers can occur when they do not deal with gender inequalities, and understand the benefits that the elimination of discrimination and the work empowerment of women can offer, many of them do not possess the experience and the technical know-how that would allow them to make the next step and design doable plans for the application of equality principles on every domain of their activities.

Women on Top recognizes this difficulty and wish to deal with it on this year’s seminar.

2018’s Conference
In last year’s conference, over 80 participants attended speeches from company executives who invest actively in their female potential, like Microsoft Hellas, Vodafone Greece and Nestlé, as well as talks from WHENin Business partners regarding dealing with sexual harassment and the communicating dimension of adopting equality policies in business.

2019’s goal
Having answered why equality in the workplace is important, now it is time to see how it is applied in a company on a daily practice.

That’s why we changed the structure and the content that you may have expected from a typical conference; we recruited our best partners and we designed an all-day event that combines knowledge with practical application, training with networking, and the passion for the business world with the vision and the practical steps that can make this world better for all of us.

Through an interactive game of simulation, with the help of specific case studies, and best practices from the seminar’s companies-supporters, the participants will work on six key axes that define how actively a company invests in gender equality.

During the conference, with the guidance of specialized WHEN partners, the participants and their groups will be requested to draw strategies, tools and solutions that will make the goal -that is equality- something more than just a theory: an innovative but doable plan made from practical and specific steps, appropriate for the broadminded and responsible employer the new generation of talents is looking for.

The six key axes of equality in business

1. Unconscious prejudice| How executives deal with the effect of gender stereotypes in their teams
2. Sexual harassment| Prevention and handling systems
3. Hiring and progress| Planning and assurance of equal chances and rewards
4. Communication| Employer’s profile, promoting actions & crisis management
5. Conciliation between professional and private life| Strategies and tools to make sure every aspect of life is balanced
6. Support for employed parents| Infrastructure and amenities where kids could be taken care of and kept busy creatively


10.00-10.45 Arrival and registrations
10.45-11.00 Welcome
11.00-14.00 Work in groups: Creation of action plans based on the six key axes on equality in business
14.00-15.00 Lunchbreak | Networking
15.00-16.30 Presentation of the action plans to everyone in the seminar
16.30-17.00 Presentation of the Wot in Business program and finale

Due to the conference, the work groups working on the six main axes on equality will be formed at the beginning of the day, and it would be nice to stay the same until the end of the day. For this reason, please opt for participation only if you are sure that you will be able to attend the whole seminar (10.30-17.00), so that you can make good use of the experience.

The seminar will be held in HIGGS’s hospitable place with their kind sponsorship, at 15 Victor Hugo, Metaxourgheio, 104 37.

With the support of Papastratos company and Commit.

You can learn about the speakers and changes in the program here and book your seat by filling in the respective electronic form.

Participation in the seminar is free, but seats are strictly limited.

Certifications will be given at the end of the conference and the participants’ children will be cared for.

For more information: info@womenontop.grinfo@womenontop.gr