
MENTORS’ TRAINING: THE SERIES | Basic Principles of Mentoring

calendar icon 13 October 2022
calendar icon 17:00 - 19:00
calendar icon Online
Event category: Mentoring, Seminars

Στο WHEN πιστεύουμε στο mentoring και πιστεύουμε (πολύ!) στη δυνατότητα των μεντόρων μας να αλλάξουν προς το καλύτερο τη ζωή των mentees τους. Γι’ αυτό ξεκινάμε τη νέα ακαδημαϊκή χρονιά με μια νέα σειρά επιμορφωτικών σεμιναρίων γύρω από βασικά θέματα που σχετίζονται με τον ρόλο αυτόν, και που θα αυξήσουν σημαντικά την αποτελεσματικότητα της καθοδήγησης που μπορείς να προσφέρεις στις mentees σου, τις συνεργάτιδες στην ομάδα σου αλλά και σε όποια γυναίκα θέλεις να υποστηρίξεις για να φτάσει λίγο πιο εύκολα λίγο πιο μακριά!

At WHEN we believe in mentoring and we believe (a lot!) in the ability of our mentors to change the lives of their mentees for the better. That is why we are starting the new academic year with a series of training seminars around key topics related to this role, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of the guidance you can offer to your mentees, your colleagues or any woman you want to support!

These are 4 two-hour webinars, which will help you learn more about the basic principles of mentoring, and practice skills such as trust and active listening, unconscious biases, goal setting and self-confidence, as well as other important tools that will also maximize your own broader professional development.

1st webinar: Basic principles of mentoring
Facilitator: Pinelopi Theodorakakou
Guest Speaker: Nazey Erdilek
When: 13/10/2022 @ 17:00-19:00

The first webinar of the mentor training cycle is about the basic principles of mentoring. Here we’ll explain exactly what effective mentoring is (and isn’t!) and share valuable tools that will make any mentoring partnership more productive as well as more enjoyable for both people involved. We’ll discuss the forms mentoring can take, good practices and what to avoid, and we’ll leave plenty of time for questions and sharing useful past experiences.

A few words about the Guest Speaker:
Nazey Erdilek is the Co-founder of Originn which has been a platform that creates communities around the values it has embraced with its habitants offers cooperation models for local values and its stakeholders within the framework of these values, and creates spaces with the motivation of being the interface of multi-disciplinary production culture. Co-founder of Merak Creative Works and Cultural Association to bring together different disciplines of art. Also co-founder of İzmir Culture Cooperative to be able to work on cultural intellectuals and projects for İzmir where also experienced cooperative management affairs. Also,  part of Notion Collective,  which is a platform that works with the slogan of “Creative cooperation for sustainable fashion”. Volunteers in İzmir Food Community and also two educational cooperatives that believe and take action that another educational system is possible. Experienced in corporate life in the sales and marketing area at a number of domestic and international companies more than 10 years. Deeply believe in voluntariness and community power.

The training series is aimed at both WHEN mentors and those outside the network who are interested in exploring this aspect of their career path.

Funding is provided by the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, with Meridian International Center as the implementing partner.