
Inclusivity Lounge @RGC: Women's financial inclusion is the key to the demographic issue

calendar icon 30 May 2024
calendar icon 13:00 - 17:00
Event category: Inclusivity Lounge

On May 30 2024, WHEN is organizing the 8th Inclusivity Lounge, which will take place for the first time at the 12th Regional Growth Conference in Patras, under the auspices of the US Embassy in Athens.

The Inclusivity Lounge with the title “Women’s financial inclusion is the key to the demographic issue”, will focus on how the inclusion of the women of regional Greece in the workplace and the economy of the country is not only an important aspect but also a sustainable solution for the Demographic issue.

With the help of selected speakers from different regions of the country and drawing on the results of the large field research carried out by WHEN, aiming to investigate the particular needs, challenges, obstacles and opportunities that women have to manage during their educational and career path in regional Greece, we will discuss which policies & tools can strengthen the employment of women from every corner of Greece, thus contributing to tackling the demographic problem.

The Inclusivity Lounge aspires to open the dialogue on the importance of equal participation and the inclusion of women and other underrepresented groups in the country’s economy with governmental, regional, academic and business bodies, at the heart of the largest platform for Regional Development in Greece.

Inclusivity Lounge @ RGC | Thursday, May 30, 13:00-14:00

– Dorothea Gkikopouli, Senior Microfinance Investment Analyst, AFI
– Antonela Kotsoni,
Project manager & Learning facilitator
– Nelli Kouvelaki,
Founder “Phaos” Social Cooperative Enterprise (Koinsep)
– Maria Tsolka, Humanitarian Reproductive Health, Senior Advisor, Save the Children
– Facilitation: Pinelopi Theodorakakou, Co-founder WHEN


Workshop: My personal relationship with money | Thursday, May 30, 15:00-17:00

The Inclusivity Lounge will also hold the parallel event “My personal relationship with money”, a workshop by WHEN in collaboration with Alpha Bank, on the financial empowerment and inclusion of women in every stage of their lives. The workshop is implemented as part of the Economy Class program and is primarily aimed at women of all ages who want to take the first step towards their financial resilience and long-term independence, regardless of their knowledge and experience in financial management.

Trainer: Aggeliki Savvidou, Financial and Business Consultant


Read more about the workshop:

It is true that money is a complicated matter. And the relationship we develop with them, even more complicated. However, it is a fact that we all have a personal relationship with money. It doesn’t matter if we earn a lot or spend a little. Just like everything that is a part of our daily lives, such as food or the people around us, there are certain feelings and behaviors that we directly associate with money. In this workshop, we will explore what role money has played in our past, which “money personality type” we belong to, how we can face our fears in relation to money and what are the steps to help us develop a healthy relation with them.

We will be happy for you to participate in the discussion and the workshop. 

When: Thursday, May 30, 13:00-14:00 & 15:00-17:00
Where: University of Patras, Axaia Hall & Workshop Hall
Social media: #InclusivityLoungeRGC #ILRGC24 #WHENLounges

Το Regional Growth Conference 2024 διοργανώνεται από την εφημερίδα «ΠΕΛΟΠΟΝΝΗΣΟΣ» και το Παρατηρητήριο Περιφερειακών Πολιτικών, σε Συν-διοργάνωση με την Περιφέρεια Δυτικής Ελλάδας και το Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών.