This Guide is part of the “We Are With U: Raising Student Awareness on Gender Equality in the Workplace” project, which is implemented within the framework of the BUILD program, implemented by WHEN and partnered by the Hellenic Society of University Women (ELEGYP).
It is a guide created with great care for students who are preparing for (or may already be taking!) their first steps in the job market. Its main purpose is, by explaining key concepts, using examples and (a little) historical evidence, to help them understand how everyone, at every stage of their working life, can contribute to make the labor market in Greece more equal and inclusive.
Through We Are With U, we aim to help promote a gender-equal culture in the workplace and beyond. With this in mind, the guide will be used in the informative and awareness raising workshops for students, which will be held in Greek Universities, within the framework of the Project.
Enjoy reading it!
This guide is a result of the project We are with U: Raising Students’ Awareness on Gender Equality in the Workplace, which is implemented within the framework of the BUILD program, with WHEN as the implementing body and the Hellenic Society of University Women (ELEGYP) as a partner. The “Building a robust and democratic civic space” (BUILD) program aims to protect, promote and widely recognize the fundamental rights and values of the EU, through the support of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Greece and Cyprus, strengthening their capacity and sustainability. BUILD is co-financed by the European Union, through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) program, the Bodossaki Foundation and the Cyprus NGO Support Center with a total grant amount of €2.9 million. The coordinator of BUILD is the Bodossaki Foundation (Greece) in partnership with the NGO Support Center (Cyprus).